Stabilisation of sugarcane


During sugar refining process, stabilisation is the ultimate and utterly important stage before packaging. Without it, refined sugar clogs up and formed into bricks throughout packaging and delivery.


The sugarcane stabilisation undergoes following periods:

  • Refined sugar is lodged in silo to crystallised by high-pressure blowered to screw dry and warm air up from tub bottom. This process aims to control supermatured pellicle wrapping around sugar crystal. As a result, limited humidity inside sugar crystal would not be evaporated.
  • This process occurs from 48 to 72 hours.

Things to consider before implementation:
1. If dry air with high airflow rate are heavily drawn, it reduces duration for sugarcane stabilisation but augments operating and investment costs. Moreover, heavily dry air with high airflow rate ignites rapid crystallisation of pellicle, and sugar crystal might become translucent because moisure cannot be remove promptly.
2. Calculation of sugar resistance via sugar silo’s height to select suitable blower corresponding to airflow rate and designed pump head.

If you encounter this issue, contact DeAir to get expertise support soon.